Owen at 1 Day Old
He was Born December 11th, 2017
3:40 pm
8 lbs 1 oz

About Us

The Gift of Owen

Owen was born at Methodist Hospital in Germantown, TN, just outside of Memphis.  He came into this world beautiful, perfect, wide-eyed and happy to meet the many people who already loved him. Sammy allowed Dechay to be in the room for Owen's birth and gave her the privilege of cutting his cord. It was a magical day as we stepped together into this incredible journey of creating a new family. This picture was taken when Owen was 1 day old. We had adjoining rooms in the hospital for 24 hrs while Sammy healed, Owen passed all his healthy newborn checks, and friends and family near and afar adorned us and our little baby boy with love and support.

Favorite Past Times

  • Sleep smiling.
  • Stealing blankets back from Maggie, our occasionally jealous Jack Russell.
  • Blowing spit bubbles.
  • Being held by friends, family, and friendly strangers.
  • Going out on the town.

Fun Facts about Owen

  • He is growing fast and is at 94% on the growth charts for his head, so he clearly has a big brain.
  • He has more clothes than Rich and Dechay.
  • He has been held by at least 300 people.
  • We were miraculously able to get him into a great daycare at 10 weeks without being on a waiting list, and it is across the street from our new townhouse.
  • Sammy's grandmother and Dechay's mother have known each other for more than 30 years and planted the seeds for our union.
  • When he was 4 days old he took his first cross country trip from TN to CO, stayed in his first hotel, and became an expert in using gas station changing tables.

Contact Us

Owen Taber

(720) 723-0237